Griefer Lists

The following files are all DedCon configuration files dealing with griefers from the database. To use them, create a cronjob that fetches them and include them from your server configuration.

Automatic Ban Lists

ban_larry.txt: contains bans for everyone at Larry (highest possible) griefer level.
ban_nemesis.txt: contains bans for everyone at nemesis level or higher.

Automatic Warn Lists

warn_larry.txt: contains messages for everyone at the highest possible griefer level.
warn_nemesis.txt: contains warning messages for everyone at nemesis griefer level or up.
warn_pest.txt: contains warning messages for everyone at pest level or up.
warn_annoyance.txt: contains warinings for everyone in the database.


makegrieferlists is the shell script that is used to update the static files here with content from the database every hour.